Cool, The Abilities of Pineapple and Mint Leaves to Treat Cough


Cool, The Abilities of Pineapple and Mint Leaves to Treat Cough
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Cool, The Abilities of Pineapple and Mint Leaves to Treat Cough - Coughing itself is the body's natural mechanism to clear the respiratory tract. Known as cough with phlegm when coughing or mucus that secrete mucus.

Sore throat, runny nose, and sinusitis is a condition that can lead to coughing up phlegm. In addition, chronic bronchitis, heart failure, and asthma may also be responsible for the creation of a productive cough. Smokers with a weak immune system are more prone to suffer more serious complications, such as pneumonia and bronchitis.

pineapple and mint leaves potentially be used as a cough medicine phlegm

Coughing up phlegm urgent because the longer dwells in the body, the higher the risk of more serious disease. Then it true pineapple and mint leaves can be used as a cough medicine phlegm? Let's look here.

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Who would have thought that the content of bromelain in pineapple potentially help patients cough, including cough with phlegm. At least there is research showing that the substances contained in pineapple can relieve coughs and loosen phlegm in the throat of the pile inside.

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In addition, bromelain may help those affected sinuses caused by allergies. As we know, the problem of sinus is one of the medical conditions that can cause a cough with phlegm. Bromelain is sometimes even used to treat inflammation and swelling.

However, the use of bromelain included in supplement form to thin the sputum should be careful. This is especially if a person is also taking antibiotics, such as amoxicillin. The consumption of bromelain concurrently with antibiotics could possibly lead to an increase in the absorption of these antibiotics.

Cool, The Abilities of Mint Leaves to Treat Cough
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Mint leaves

Other natural ingredients that may help when used as a cough medicine phlegm is mint. This is probably caused by the content of menthol which can help break up mucus in the throat. Menthol also can act as a balm for the throat.

To get the benefits of mint for patients coughing up phlegm, you can utilize the leaves as tea or steam bath material. For the purposes of steam can be used mint oil used. Mint leaf oil is then dripped 3-4 drops into 150 ml of hot water. Vapor that appears then inhaled to relieve clogged throat phlegm.

Antihistamines and decongestants medicine

As an option to resolve phlegm cough medicine, medical doctors recommend antihistamines and decongestants. Antihistamines function inhibits the performance of histamine, a substance that is triggered by allergic reactions. Histamine usually arises when an allergic reaction in the nasal tissues causing swelling and excess mucus release. Unfortunately, these drugs can cause effects drowsiness, dizziness, headache, and vomiting possibilities for the drinker.

Coughing up phlegm kind of decongestant drug will inhibit the production of mucus. The means used for this purpose is to narrow the blood vessels in the lining of the nose. It means that the blood flow to the area is reduced so that the production of mucus inhibited and obstruction subsided. Only, decongestants are often ineffective when dealing with thick mucus. Regarding side effects, this drug may cause dizziness, nervousness, and high blood pressure.
Although natural materials above may help relieve coughing up phlegm, it is advisable to keep watching conditions themselves if the cough has suffered more than three weeks. Contact a doctor or go to the hospital is the most prudent action if a productive cough will not go away for a long time even though it has been treated.

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